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TIGER 10W40 SMProduct code 1120


A highest quality mineral based lubricant meeting the one of the latest engine oil specifications of API SM. This product meets severe demands of the new seq III G test which requires a significant boost in oxidation performance at TEOSTMHT4 tests and serves as a clear API capability.Tiger Diesel is a high quality mineral diesel engine oil formulated to deliver reliable protection of all diesel engines in a wide variety of operational conditions. Due to the high content of active components, it can be used all year round in the toughest conditions. Its high resistance against aging results in longer drain periods.


This oil can be applied in modern 4-stroke gasoline and 4-stroke diesel engines, with or without turbo.  SM is used in all naturally aspirated, fuel injected turbo-charged and multivalve passenger cars light duty vehicles.


Fuel economy and better cold starting. Reliable oil formulation. Total engine protection in severe weather conditions. Thermal stability. Anti-wear, anti-oxidant and long drain interval. Low oil consumption and turbo proven stability. Oxidation resistant, good high temperature stability. Longer drain interval. Low oil consumption.

Specification level

TIGER -SM meets and exceeds the requirements of API SM and can be used in all types of cars and light duty trucks. The product also meets the following OEM’s standards.ILSAC GF-4 energy conservation standards, General Motors GM 6094M specifications, Chrysler MS6395 N specifications, mercedes benz sheet 229.3, ACEA E7 - 97, VOLVO VDS3, MTUIDDU.


Content1 L4 L5 L20 L25 L208 L
PN CODE112000111200041120005112002011200251120090
Items per pack1266---
Packs per pallet654540---
Items per pallet---36364