TIGER X is a unique fully synthetic lubricant for ultimate engine protection and
performance. It is a multigrade motor oil specially formulated with selected synthetic base fluids and race proven additive technology for use in passenger cars and light truck gasoline engines and diesel engines under all operating conditions.
Tiger X Diesel is fully synthetic diesel engine oil exceeding the most demanding European specifications and meeting the market demands for fuel efficient oils. It is formulated with selected synthetic base fluids and additives offering the best performance available for modern diesel engines.
TIGER PLUS is an advanced technology semi-synthetic motor oil providing excellent performance in passenger car engines. It is formulated to ensure excellent viscosity retention and superior engine protection under all driving conditions.
TIGER PLUS Diesel is Ultra Super Diesel Engine Oil the latest highest quality in Diesel Engine Oil meeting the API CJ-4 Standards. It is designed for high speed, four stroke engines designed to meet exhaust emission standards, CJ-4 oils are compounded for use in all applications with diesel fuels ranging in sulfur content up to 500 PPM. It is effective at sustaining emission control system durability and oil drain intervals.
Get more detailsTIGER is a highest quality mineral based lubricant meeting the latest engine oil specifications of API SM. This product meets the severe demands of the new seq III G test which requires a significant boost in oxidation performance at TEOSTMHT4 tests and serves as a clear API capability
Tiger Diesel is a high!quality mineral diesel engine oil formulated to deliver reliable protection of all diesel engines in a wide variety of operational conditions. Due to the high content of active components, it can be used all year round in the toughest conditions. Its high resistance against aging results in longer drain periods.
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